Several years ago, I delved into the science behind Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) after several acquaintances told me it was: 1-a scam to get scientists rich, 2- CO2 isnt a forcing action. 3- It was a UN conspiracy to make the USA a poor country, and on and on. When asked why they felt that way, they all mentioned a story on TV, or some newspaper article that they felt supported their conclusion.
My studies included geological books & podcasts, as well as other science books. Along the way, I found the skeptical science website, which has a wealth of AGW science by real climate scientists that addresses the basics as well as the skeptics arguments, & where they have failed the test of science.
I have found this app to be very useful and stable under ios 6 and 7.
KoolThinkin about Skeptical Science, v1.2.2